vendredi 27 mars 2009

Le Luxe dans toute sa Splendeur!
Luxury and Bling on your Finger!

La créatrice de bijou new-yorkaise, Suzanne Mates, après des années passés dans le show business, a décidé de créer une nouvelle ligne de bijou (pour nous les adultes!!!), sous le non de Diamon Dog New York. Cette bague en or incrustée de diamants, inspirée par son teckel Ellie, vous coûtera CHF. 5000.00. Wow! Une Merveille!


New York-based Jewelry designer Suzanne Mates has seen so much bling in her lifetime, working in the music business for more than 15 years, that she decided to make some of her own. Her custom made jewelry collection, called Diamond Dog New York, has lots of bark – and that’s why we love it! Mates’ new collection of dog-themed bling -dedicated to her dachshund Ellie- includes this adorable 18K gold dog ring. This item sells for CHF.5000.00, comes in white gold and matte yellow gold and is encrusted with diamonds. We love bling!

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